TAU Chapter was chartered on May 1st, 1922 at Atlanta University for undergraduate men seeking membership into Omega Psi Phi.
Brother Harold H. Thomas, 8th Grand Basileus, and Brother Walter "Big Chief" Aiken, famed Atlanta University football coach, are the chapter's founders.
The Camp Howard War Chapter was instrumental in bringing Omega Psi Phi to Atlanta, GA. Established in early 1918, Camp Howard War Chapter initiated 27 men.
Significantly, three War Chapter initiates - Laurence R. Harper, Horace A Hodges, and Harvey M. Smith - were Atlanta University undergraduates.
Brothers Harper, Hodges and Smith helped charter Eta chapter on December 27, 1919 for students at Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Clark College.
Tau would emerge from Eta in 1922 along with Psi at Morehouse College and Eta Omega (for graduate men), followed by Beta Psi at Clark College in 1923. Eta was reassigned to undergraduates at Alcorn University in 1950.
The earliest documented Tau chapter activity appeared in 1927. Led by Basileus Amos Williams, Tau had 22 active brothers and boasted a strong Achievement Week program. The chapter roster included Brother William D. Long who, along with six other Atlanta University undergraduates, was initiated at Tau on April 26, 1926. During the 1990s, brother William D. Long was one of Omega's oldest living members. Brother Long entered Omega chapter in January 1997.
Founded in 1865, Atlanta University became an exclusively graduate and professional institution in 1929, the first with a predominantly black student body. Atlanta University conferred its first Master of Arts degree in 1931.
Accordingly, the Tau chapter designation changed from undergraduate to intermediate and Tau would now serve Atlanta University men in pursuit of graduate professional degrees and Omega Psi Phi. Also of note, Jessie O. Thomas (Eta Omega) founded the Atlanta University School of Social Work. Brother Thomas served as First Vice-Grand Basileus under William E. Baugh from 1937 to 1939 and as the Tau chapter advisor while matriculating at Atlanta University.
Tau chapter became the intermediate chapter of Atlanta in 1969 when Omicron chapter was reassigned to Columbia University in NYC, initially opening its membership to men at the interdenominational Theological Center (ITC).
Tau chapter expanded efforts between 1969 and 2000 to initiate collegiate men pursuing graduate degrees from other Atlanta area professional schools including Morehouse School of Medicine, Georgia Tech, Emory University Law School, Georgia State, and Devry. Although Omega officially decided at the Indianapolis Conclave in July 2000 to do away with the intermediate status, Thunderin' Tau chapter will remain true to the mission of servicing Omega and young professional men in metro Atlanta.
Currently, Thunderin’ Tau Chapter has a member roster which exceeds 100 men and functions as one of several Graduate Chapters in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Due to its charter as an undergraduate chapter at AU in 1922, an intermediate chapter from 1931 until 2000, and current status as a Graduate Chapter, Tau is the only Chapter in the Fraternity history to have been categorized as all three genres. Tau is definitely a thriving Pearl of Omega Psi Phi and a home for all Brothers who love Omega Dear.
TAU Chapter 1923

LaShawn Reaves |
Nov. 1, 2023 - |
Selvan Manthiram |
Nov.1, 2020 - October 31, 2023
3 Terms |
Marcus Black |
Nov. 1, 2018 - October 31, 2020
2 Terms |
Travis Edwards |
Nov. 1, 2015 - October 31, 2018
3 Terms |
John Varner |
Nov.1, 2013 - October 31, 2015
2 Terms |
Herman Mannings III |
Nov. 1, 2011 - Oct. 31, 2013
2 Terms |
Dr. William Dancy |
Nov. 1, 2009 - Oct. 31, 2011
2 Terms |
Angus Wilson |
Nov. 1, 2007 - Oct. 31, 2009
2 Terms
Reginald Harris |
Nov. 1, 2004 - Oct. 31, 2007
3 Terms |
Broderick Cain |
Nov. 1, 2002 - Oct. 31, 2004
2 Terms |
Devin White |
Nov. 1, 2000 - Oct. 31, 2002
2 Terms |
Rev. Charles Elliot |
Nov. 1, 1998 - Oct. 31, 2000
2 Terms |
Robert Fisher |
Nov. 1, 1995 – Oct. 31, 1996
1 term |
James Wright |
Nov. 1, 1994 – Oct. 31, 1995
1 term |
Marcus Shute |
Len Starks |
Nov. 1, 1990 – Oct. 31, 1992
2 terms |
Michael Bullock |
Nov. 1, 1989 – Oct. 31, 1990
1 term |
Dan Gibson |
(served briefly) |
Rod Baptiste |
Nov. 1, 1988 – Oct. 31, 1989
1 term |
Charles Murphy |
Nov. 1, 1987 – Oct. 31, 1988
1 term |

Important Events and Contributions |
In 2020 at the 83th 7th District Meeting, Bro. Reginald M. Harris was elected District Representative of the 7th District.
In 2019 at the 82nd 7th District Meeting in Birmingham, AL, TAU Chapter received the Large Chapter Reclmation Award.
In 2017 at the 80th 7th District Meeting in Weston, FL, Bro. Reginald M. Harris was elected First Vice District Representative of the 7th District.
In 2010 Social Action Chair Angus Niles Wilson implemented the 300 in 30 initiative in which various community service projects were completed in 300 hours in 30 days. These projects included but were not limited to all of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated Mandated Programs such as the Assault on Illiteracy Initiative, Trees For Atlanta, Earth Day Recycling Initiative, Meals On Wheels, Vote Or Cry Campaign, Habitat For Humanity, etc.
In 2005 Vice Basileus Kelvin Hall started the Tau Open Golf Tournament to help raise Scholarship Money for Young African-American scholars in Metropolitan Atlanta.
Other special Chapter Achievements and/or Information:
2023 - TAU Chapter placed 1st in the 4th Annual All Greek Step Show in Bessemer, AL
2022 - TAU Chapter Co Hosted the 85th 7th District Meeting in Atlanta, GA
2020 - Bro. Reginald M. Harris Elected 7th District Representative
2017 - Bro. Reginald M. Harris Elected 1st Vice District Rep of the 7th District
2010-2011 7th District Reclamation Chapter of the Year
2010 - Hosted the 73rd Seventh District Meeting in Atlanta, GA
2008 - Served as Pilot Chapter for the Lampados Club
2008 2nd Place in Grand Conclave March Championship in Birmingham, Alabama (Barron Banks, March Master)
2006 & 2007 Economic Development Graduate Chapter of the Year (State of Georgia)
2006 & 2007 Region 1 Graduate Chapter of the Year (State of Georgia)
2007 Reclamation/Retention Chapter of the Year (State Of Georgia)
2006 Grand Conclave March Champions in Little Rock Arkansas (Kelvin Hall, March Master)
Fall 2005 March Champions at the Georgia State Meeting in Augusta, Ga.
Fall 2005 2nd Place in the SMLA Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Invitational Stepshow (Kelvin Hall, March Master) performed a March Tribute to the Late Great Civil Rights Leader El-Haji Malik Shabazz aka Malcolm X.

1. William D. Long, MA, MS (OMEGA Chapter)
2. Amos Williams (Chapter Basileus 1927)
1. John C. Smith
1. Thomas J. Collins
1. Clarence Smith
1. Kenneth E. Barton
1. Charles E. Hubert, PhD (OMEGA Chapter)
2. Wendell L. Johnson (OMEGA Chapter)
3. Raymond M. Grier (OMEGA Chapter)
4. Clifford L. Davis, JD
1. Melvin Hester
2. Lawrence J. Johnson
1. Samuel T. Turner
1. Thomas L. Merritt
1. Cleon M. Middleton
1. John Ruffin
2. Joe L. Caldwell
3. Wallace McMichael
4. James R. Mims
5. Ralph B. Singfield
1. Julius T. Crouch
2. James A. Roberts
4. Wendell P. Jones
5. Robert Davis
6. Theodore L. Johnson
1. Vernon J. Simpson
1. George W. Clark Jr., MA
2. Oliver Huff, MA
1971 - The Original 9
1. Quency Holmes, MBA
2. C. Edmund Fairley, MBA
3. Luther Burton, CPA
4. Issac Clark, Jr., MBA
5. Wayne B. Placide, MBA (OMEGA Chapter)
6. Layshell Layton
7. Douglas R. Parham, Sr., MBA
8. Clyde Bouler
9. Lawrence A. Reeves, Jr., MA
1972 - 6 Of A Kind
1. James A. Ard, MA (OMEGA Chapter)
2. Ronnie H. Davenport, MA, MS (OMEGA Chapter)
3. Frank J. Seibert, MA
4. John A. Burks, MA
5. George W. Ward, MA
6. Donald C. Williams, MA
1973 - Fabulous Fearless 4
1. Bobby Burkes, Sr., PhD
2. Philip E. Joyner, MA (OMEGA Chapter)
3. Eddie de Lagarde, MA
4. Derek Bastain, MA (OMEGA Chapter)
1977 - The Lone Ranger
1. Carlton M. Coleman, MS
1978 - Close Encounters Of A 3rd Kind
1. Jerome Sanders, MS
2. Thomas J. Calhoun, Jr., PhD
3. Calton Hailey, MS
1979 - Dap City Que
1. Daniel Baldwin, Jr., MBA (OMEGA Chapter)
1980 - Tri-Scaleons
1. Reginald H. Rosemond, MA
2. Darcey J. Taylor, DDS
3. Charles Strickland, MS
1988 - Resurgence 10 + 1
1. Harry W. Cooper, Jr., M.Div
2. Ervin L. Richards, MA
3. C. Stephen Battle, MA
4. Kenneth Thomas, M.Div
5. Morris E. Reese, MD (OMEGA Chapter)
6. Michael D. Bullock, MSW (OMEGA Chapter)
7. Nicholas P. Harrell, MBA
8. Stuart Young, MSW (OMEGA Chapter)
9. Marvin C. Zanders, Jr., M.Div
10. Shawn M. Abernathy, PhD
11. Joseph M. Latimore, MA
1989 - 3 V.O.P.
1. Robert L. Fisher, Jr., MBA
2. Brian K. Ashford, MS
3. Daniel J. Gibson, MS
1992 - The Joyous N Square 4 +/- 1
1. Darin C. Hall, MBA
2. Michael Pearsall, MS
3. Tim Brown, MS
4. Brian O. Reese, MD
5. Al Harmon, PhD
1993 - B.A.B.W.O.T. 6
1. James Wright, Jr., PhD
2. Angus Bates, III, Ed.D
3. L. Michael Burke Jr. PhD
4. Corey A. LAwrence, JD
5. Howard W. Grant, PhD
6. Derrick P. Cole, PhD
1994 - S.O.S. 6
1. Andre R. Griggs, MA
2. G. Douglas Vanduan, MSW
3. Cecil C. Flournoy III, MA
4. Sean L. Mitchell, MA
5. Terrence L. Jenkins
6. Louie H. Huff, Jr., MA
1996 - Charismatic Dogmatic Furious 5 Who Know The Old School Funk
1. Herbert J. Smith, Jr.
2. Marc D.S. Lewis
3. Wilson J. Sheppard
4. Devin P. White, Sr., MA
5. J. Pete Andrews, MA
1997 - The Lonely One
1. Vincent D. Smith, Jr., MS
2004 - 7 Sensational Souls Of Purple And Gold
1. Marcus Black
2. Dr. Augustus Jordan III
3. Joel Allen
4. Shafton Fraley
5. Allen Fraley
6. Rod Patterson
7. Roderick Cunningham
2005 - 8 Sons Of A Dying Breed
1. Ronald Patterson, Jr., M. ED
2. Ronardo Reeves, PhD
3. Shawn Austin, M. ED
4. Travis Edwards
5. Kelvin Abney, MBA
6. Ronald Smith, DMD
7. James Kizer, MSW
8. Theodore Harper III, M.D.
2006 - P.D.H.R. 9
1. Reginald Kempson, Jr.
2. Barron Banks, M.Div, DDS
3. Jarvis Tarplin
4. Herman Mannings III
5. Phillip Elder, MBA
6. Trammel Fox
7. Gene Toodle
8. Troy Huffman, MA
9. Mark Brice, PhD (OMEGA Chapter)
2007 - 8 Thoroughly Immersed Freaks On A Leash
1. Willie Harrington III, MD
2. Jaiwan Harris, MA
3. Greg Pridgeon II
4. Antonio Gray
5. Genghis Shakhan, MA, MEd
6. Charlie Elder
7. Jonathan Wilson
8. Earl Shorty, Jr.
2008 - P.I.T.B.U.L.L. 10
1. Alex Malone, MS
2. Lemetrius Jones
3. Rob Leach
4. Ralph Joseph
5. Rod Smith, M.Ed
6. Alvin Davis, MSW
7. Bruce Prunty
8. Chaz Johnson, MS
9. Claudius D. Wood, Esq.
10. Reginald Huff
2010 - Dogmatic Spongematic R.O.C.K.S.O.L.I.D. 8
1. Jerome Forrest
2. Marcus Benton, M.Ed
3. Jonathan Williams
4. Rendell Jackson, Ed. S., CAA
5. DeMario Austin, MAT
6. Olugbolahan Adewumi
7. Michael Carter
8. Robert Watson
2012 - Five Funky Ferocious Freaks of Fellowship
1. Dwain Warren
2. LaQuinn Walker, MBA
3. Eric Manning
4. Billy Cox
5. Darrius Felder, MSM
2013 - B.A.Q.Y.A.R.D. 11
1 .Donnie Coleman
2. Roderick Bowens
3. Imani Scope
4. Isiah Morgan, M. TAX
5. El Bryce Nixon Jr.
6. Jermaine Smith, M.Div
7. Lyndrez Leslie
8. Jermaine Price, Pharm.D.
9. Laurence Haynes
10. Joshua Tittle
11. Robert Copeland, MA
2015 - 8 Dogmatic Souls of Misery
1. D'Mario Harris
2. Rodney Austin
3. LaShawn Reaves
4. Adimabua Obata
5. Mleh Carr
6. John Dais
7. John Forte
8. Brian Selph
2018 - F.E.R.O.C.I.O.U.S. 15
1. Glenn T. Ford, Jr.
2. Ashley Hernandez
3. Rodney Jefferson, MS
4. Lionel Cross, Jr., PhD
5. Marquis Blake
6. Nick Kittles
7. David Dukes
8. Wynton Jordan, MBA
9. Tozzi Swain
10. Johnathan Crayton
11. Brandon Thomas
12. Homer Smith
13. Brandon McClure, EDS
14. Chad Sakers
15. Marc Johnson
2022 - 17 D. C. S. S. S. O. T. B.
1. Antonio Pierce
2. Jacobi Mackey
3. Kendall Humphrey
4. Dr. Sebastian Robinson, DMin.
5. Gabe Harper
6. George Dorsey, Jr.
7. Dr. Arthur Mitchell, PhD
8. Tyquan Ross
9. Nigiem Williams
10. Chris Sibley, Jr.
11. Quann White
12. Roderick Liggins
13. Kelvin Hargrove
14. Mondez Hollomon, Sr., MBA, PMP
15. Lonzy Robertson
16. Clarence Johns II
17. Quentin Spear II
